Our Programs
Over the years Hope and Helping Hand for Human has initiated, launched and organized campaigns to amplify the voice of children and their rights. These campaigns have focused on specific issues – from influencing child-friendly policies, to rehabilitation efforts in disaster and natural calamities, to creating awareness on the situation of children. Our campaigns have always involved the public, our citizens. Your support is crucial to bring about social change in the lives of children and their communities
Creating employment opportunities through different vocational skills.
A life without education is not something many of us can even contemplate. Unfortunately, this remains a reality for many children in India. For a host of different reasons, girls across the country are forced to drop out of school.
With the help of you & Ummido ki Pathsala, we can ensure that 51+ children across Hope and Helping Hand for Human-supported projects complete their education. And lead the life they deserve.

Educating underprivileged children from 2016
Hope and Helping Hand for Human, running Ummido ki Pathsala for completing underprivileged children Universal Education & Full Employability. Since 2016 we have been providing quality education to 51+ communities out of school children per year and mainstreaming in Govt School.
Right to Education or Mission Education is a national-level program of Hope and Helping Hand for Human, an NGO for education that is committed to providing basic education and healthcare to underprivileged children. Hope and Helping Hand for Human, an NGO for poor child education believes that whether you are addressing healthcare, poverty, population control, unemployment or human rights, there's no better place to start than in the corridors of education.

Empowering girl child & Women
Various studies, as well as our experience, have shown that when we work towards women empowerment, the whole society gets the benefits. But unfortunately in India, far from empowering women, most are denied even their basic rights like health, education of girls for women empowerment, employment and a respectable status in society.
According to a recent UNDP Human Development Report, India has a dangerously imbalanced sex ratio, the chief reason being rampant female infanticide and sex-selective abortions.

The Health and Environmental Implications
Data from the government’s family and health survey for 2015-2016 shows that lakhs of Indian women do not use hygienic methods of protection during their menstrual cycles.
In the age group of 15-24, only 57.6% of women use hygienic methods. This means that 42.4% of women use unhygienic methods of protection or perhaps no protection at all.
The Central government has been trying to increase information about menstruation and thus reduce the stigma around it through various awareness campaigns and programs. “Menstrual hygiene management is a priority for us. We understand that in order to empower adolescent girls to live a healthy and dignified life, menstruation needs to be recognized as a health concept,” says Dr. Ajay Khera, deputy commissioner in the Union health ministry.

Distribution of Warm cloth, Shoes, Socks, etc
Hope and Helping Hand for Human always engage their volunteer and encourage the communities to help the needy to distribute winter stuff like warm clothes, blankets, shoes, socks, mask, sensitizer, even run the lunger or feeding Seva for the communities, slum, jaggies and selected hospitals.